Our young star has hit again

Once again, the unstoppable Ms Ashwati Nair has come out victorious, winning silver at the Warwickshire U16 Girls Double tournament, keep an eye out for this star at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics!


Our teenage years can be a lot of fun, from making new friends to playing sports and living a pretty care free life! Yet, it’s also a time when our appearances change drastically, we face peer pressure and we try to figure out who we really are. All of which can make us feel quite uncomfortable at times!

One of the most common concerns of teenagers is acne and spots. The dreaded skin condition that not only teens fear but also adults! It can leave you feeling very self-conscious and in some cases, even result in bouts of depression. The British Skin Foundation found that 95% of acne sufferers claimed that it impacts their daily lives and over a third of people consider or partake in self-harm.

Over the last decade, adult acne cases have increased too, with a study reported in the Telegraph finding a 200% increase in adults seeking acne treatment in the last year alone. It is believed that many causes of adult acne are down to chemical filled creams and supplements taken over the course of several years. That’s why we at Sensilab ensure our ingredients are as close to nature as they can be!

Whether you are teenager or an adult, acne is still a huge issue that needs tackling. Our scientists have developed two natural, highly effective acne treatments tailored just for you.

First we have the Cerin Acne Solution, a capsule based supplement that eliminates spots and acne whilst cleansing the skin. It uses a host of natural vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Zinc and Copper as well as plant extracts including ginger, horsetail and wild pansy. To complete the natural active ingredients, we have cerin and lactoferrin, the latter being a natural protein that works at reducing and preventing acne breakouts.

Cerin Acne Solution has been proven to work after only one month of treatment, using its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to help clear up your skin and prevent future outbreaks of acne and spots!

Our second acne eliminating products is the Cerin Acne Treatment Gel, a unique face cream that takes a hands-on approach in tackling acne. Using Vitamin B3 and thyme, the Cerin Acne Treatment Gel sooths infected areas, alleviates redness whilst reducing and drying out any spots.

Cerin Acne Treatment Gel is also one of the few products that allow immediate makeup application straight after use!

Don’t let acne ruin your life, take back control with Cerin Acne Solution and Cerin Acne Treatment Gel, for a more confident, happier you!


If you have any questions or just fancy a chat, please get in contact with us on our social media channels!



