Vitamin D - as powerful as the sun

Vitamin D is more than just a vitamin essential for the functioning of our body. However, in Italy, 70% of the population is deficient. Here are the facts, we must not escape:


- Seniors are 11x more prone to depression when deficient of vitamin D

- Vitamin D reduces the risk of the attack cardiac for men by 30%

- The increase of vitamin D reduces the risk of breast cancer by 83%

- A daily dose of Vitamin D reduces the risk of type 1 diabetes by 66%

- Vitamin D reduces the multiplasclerosi in 54% cases 

Vitamin D deficiency - a concern for all Italians

In Italy, the sun does not fail, but the lack of vitamin D and 'more and more' a serious concern for majority of Italians.

Italian One 2003 study showed that 76% of women in menopause had absolutely insufficient vitamin D levels. Particularly serious is the condition of women in pregnancy. Recent studies reveal that more than 66% of women are deficient in vitamin D. 

Reasons you develop vitamin D deficiency:

- Inadequate food intake,

- Inadequate sun exposure,

- Reduced outdoor physical activity:

- Excessive use of sunscreen (sunscreen protection with 15 blocks about 99% of the cutaneous production of vitamin D),

- Cigarette smoke,

- old age,

- Obesity.

Consequences of vitamin D deficiency

The deficiency of vitamin D can 'show in different ways, and depends on the age, health status or any individual's lifestyle. If traditionally vitamin D has been associated primarily to the health of bones (it’s main role is to fix the calcium in the bones), its value for the optimal function of many organs and tissues has recently come to prominence. In fact, recent studies have shown that its deficiency is associated with the onset or aggravation of many other diseases or health problems. Here are some of the most earnest consequences of its deficiency:

- rickets

- cardio vascular diseases

- Alzheimer's risk

- depression 

Sensilab recommends:

ALL IN A DAY Calcium + Vitamin D

The combination of vitamin and mineral, which together nourish the better health of teeth, bones, skin and heart.